Subhadeep Sarkar

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Brandeis University


Office: Volen 259

415 South Street

Waltham, MA 02453

I am an assistant professor of Computer Science at Brandeis University. I work at the intersection of designing data layouts and access methods for storage engines and developing systems-level solutions for privacy protection in modern data systems. The goal of my research is to design efficient privacy-aware data systems by navigating the privacy-performance tradeoff and designing data structures and algorithms that support privacy by design. My research interests span data systems, storage layouts, access methods, and their intersection with data privacy. Here is my latest research statement.

Before joining Brandeis, I was a post-doctoral associate at Boston University in the Data-intensive Systems and Computing (DiSC) lab with Manos Athanassoulis (2019-2023). Prior to that, I spent two years at Inria, Rennes (France) as a post-doctoral researcher with Christine Morin (2017-2018). I received my PhD in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur in 2017.

Prospective students and post-docs

I am looking for motivated PhD students and post-docs. If you are fascinated by large-scale data systems, love to code, and up to solving open research problems, consider joining my lab.
For PhD applicants, here are some links that you may find useful: [PhD@Brandeis] [FAQs] [Application Fee Waiver].
If you are looking for a post-doctoral position, drop me an email.


Jun 2024
I will serve in the Program Committee of SIGMOD Demo 2025.
May 2024
Our paper "Anatomy of the LSM Memory Buffer: Insights & Implications" is accepted for publication in DBTest 2024.
May 2024
Our paper "KVBench: A Key-Value Benchmarking Suite" is accepted for publication in DBTest 2024.
Apr 2024
I will serve as the Program Chair of North-East Database Day 2024.
Apr 2023
I will be delivering a guest lecture on "Toward Privacy-Aware Data Systems" at Boston University.
Mar 2024
I will serve in the Program Committee of IEEE BigData 2024.
Feb 2024
I will serve as the Proceedings Chair of PVLDB 2024 - 2025.
Jan 2024
I will serve in the Program Committee of VLDB 2025.
Oct 2023
I will serve in the Program Committee of SEA Graph 2024.
Aug 2023
I will serve as the Poster Chair of ACM SoCC 2023.
Apr 2023
Our paper "Enabling Timely and Persistent Deletion in LSM-Engines" is accepted for publication in ACM TODS.
Mar 2023
I am excited to announce that I will be joining Brandeis University as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in Fall 2023.
Mar 2023
Our demonstration paper "Acheron: Persisting Tombstones in LSM Engines" is accepted for publication in SIGMOD 2023. [Demo]
Mar 2023
I will serve in the Program Committee of VLDB Demo 2023.
Feb 2023
I will serve in the Program Committee of IEEE BigData 2023.
Jan 2023
Our tutorial on "The LSM Design Space and its Read Optimizations" is accepted for publication in ICDE 2023.
Dec 2022
Our paper "Indexing for Near-Sorted Data" is accepted for publication in ICDE 2023.
Nov 2022
I will be delivering a talk on "Constructing and Analyzing the LSM Compaction Design Space" at MongoDB.
Oct 2022
I will be delivering an invited talk on "Toward Building Deletion-Compliant Data Systems" at HPTS 2022. [Slides]
Aug 2022
Our paper "BoDS: A Benchmark on Data Sortedness" is accepted for publication in TPCTC 2022.
May 2022
I will serve as the Sponsorship Chair and in the Program Committee of ACM SoCC 2022.
Apr 2022
I will serve in the Program Committee of EDBT 2023.
Mar 2022
Our demonstration paper "Compactionary: A Dictionary for LSM Compactions" is accepted for publication in SIGMOD 2022. [Demo]
Mar 2022
Our tutorial on "Dissecting, Designing, and Optimizing LSM-based Data Stores" is accepted for publication in SIGMOD 2022. [Talk]
Mar 2022
Our invited paper on "Building Deletion-Compliant Data Systems" is now published in IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin.
Feb 2022
Our paper "Query Language Support for Timely Data Deletion" is accepted for publication in EDBT 2022. [Talk]

Selected publications

  1. DBTest
    Anatomy of the LSM Memory Buffer: Insights & Implications
    Shubham Kaushik, and Subhadeep Sarkar
    In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest), 2024
  2. DBTest
    KVBench: A Key-Value Benchmarking Suite
    Zichen Zhu, Arpita Saha, Manos Athanassoulis, and Subhadeep Sarkar
    In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Testing Database Systems (DBTest), 2024
  3. TODS
    Enabling Timely and Persistent Deletion in LSM-Engines
    Subhadeep Sarkar, Tarikul Islam Papon, Zichen Zhu, Dimitris Staratzis, and Manos Athanassoulis
    ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2023
  4. ICDE
    The LSM Design Space and its Read Optimizations
    Subhadeep Sarkar, and Manos Athanassoulis
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2023
    Compactionary: A Dictionary for LSM Compactions
    Subhadeep Sarkar, Kaijie Chen, Zichen Zhu, and Manos Athanassoulis
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2022
    Dissecting, Designing, and Optimizing LSM-based Data Stores
    Subhadeep Sarkar, and Manos Athanassoulis
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2022
  7. PVLDB
    Constructing and Analyzing the LSM Compaction Design Space
    Subhadeep Sarkar, Dimitris Staratzis, Zichen Zhu, and Manos Athanassoulis
    Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2021
    Lethe: A Tunable Delete-Aware LSM Engine
    Subhadeep Sarkar, Tarikul Islam Papon, Dimitris Staratzis, and Manos Athanassoulis
    In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2020